Category: Economic and Tax news
Greece among other countries, introduced the Digital Nomad Visa for foreigners who wish to work remotely from Greece (L. 4825/2021, Government Gazette A’ 157/4.9.2021). However, there are so many questions raised regarding the existing tax incentives that apply in the Digital Nomads cases.
Greece has made significant steps, becoming one of the first countries to transform into a digital innovation destination, introducing a new law attracting “digital nomads”
I. INTRODUCTION Since 1 January 2017 the income from the renting of immovable property in the context of the sharing economy is taxed in accordance with the provisions of Article 39A of Law 4172/2013. (see...
The first application of Transfer Pricing rules was introduced by the art. 26 of L. 3728/2008. The competent authority was the Ministry of Commerce and written or oral agreements over €200,000 were checked regarding the...
The Greek Parliament voted for the provision of investment incentives focusing on the growth of audiovisual sector in Greece. In addition to film productions, this industry includes video games and the production of TV and...
On 30/10/2014, the General Secretary of the Public Revenue released a Decision on simplifying the process of input VAT deduction. This regulation relates to the approved warehouse-keepers of alcohol and alcoholic beverages owning more than...